Welcome to Brighter

This project is a Command Processor & Dispatcher implementation with support for task queues that can be used as a lightweight library.

It can be used for implementing Ports and Adapters and CQRS (PDF) architectural styles in .NET.

It can also be used in microservices architectures for decoupled communication between the services

Elevator Pitch


Brighter supports Task Queues. As such it can be used to improve performance by introducing concurrency using a queue, and/or as an integration strategy between Microservices using messaging via a lightweight broker



  Brighter provides support for CQRS architecture. It provides a simple library for routing commands  and events to handlers.

Task Queues

 Brighter allows you to offload work from your web process to a worker process via a task queue. This allows in or out-of-process handlers


 Brighter can act as a communications library for microservices, allowing commands or events to be passed between services.

Paramore Family


Brighter is our .NET Standard library for routing commands or events to handlers. It provides a 'Russian doll' pipeline between sender and receiver allowing orthogonal concerns (logging, retry, circuit breaker etc.) to be easily handled as part of the processing pipeline. 



Darker is our .NET Standard library for routing queries to handlers. It provides a 'Russian doll' pipeline between sender and receiver allowing orthogonal concerns (logging, retry, circuit breaker, fallback to a cache etc.) to be easily handled as part of the processing pipeline. 


Source code on GitHub

Access Brighter's open source code.

Contributions are welcome. For guidance on how to contribute see our guide on Github.