What is Brighter?
Brighter is an implementation of the Command Dispatcher and Command Processor patterns. These allow you to decouple a endpoint, such as an MVC Input Controller from the domain logic that handles the request. The intent is to support the Open-Closed Principle - open to extension, closed for modification - by allowing handlers to be replaced or added, without modifying the calling code; or for the endpoint framework to be replaced without impacting the domain code.
One of the most common uses of Brighter, although not it's only use case is implementing the Command Invoker pattern within a service. Service Design Patterns describes a Command Invoker as:
Create command objects that fully encapsulate common request processing logic. Instantiate and invoke these commands from within the web service, or forward them to an asynchronous background process.
Brighter is intended to be a library not a framework, so it is consciously lightweight and divided into packages that allow you to consume only those facilities that you need in your project.
Brighter provides utility packages to help build quality of service into the handler pipeline, which can also serve as examples for your own pipelines.
In addition, Brighter supports Tasks Queues: passing commands and events over an amqp broker, such as RabbitMQ, to be handle asynchronously by one or more event consumers.
The intent of Brighter is to make the difference between synchronous and asynchronous handling as small as possible: both write the same handlers with the same steps in the sequence. On the producer side, sending asynchronously is just a different method on the dispatcher. On the consumer side a Service Activator library helps implement the endpoint code so that marshalling to an asynchronous handler is as friction-free a manner as possible.
The latter functionality has similar goals to NServiceBus, Mass Transit, Fubu Transportation, Rebus or Celery
However, internally our goals have far more to do with a .NET equivalent of Hystrix perhaps even Vert.x
Bus, Processor or Dispatcher, what's in a name?
.NET projects that support task queues - pushing work onto a queue to be handled asynchronously by one or more consumers - tend to use the term BUS in their naming regardless of whether or not they are implemented using a Bus topology (i.e. publish subscribe, with no central message broker). Brighter tries to avoid this confusion by talking about Dispatcher, Processor, Service Activator patterns and a Broker architectural style instead